
Create a PDF from a Word Document

If you are using Microsoft Word 2007 on a Windows machine

  1. Click the circular Microsoft Office Button, point to the arrow next to Save As, and then click PDF or XPS.
  2. In the File Name list, type or select a name for the document.
  3. In the Save as type list, click PDF.
  4. Click Minimum size (publishing online).
  5. Click Publish.

If you are using Microsoft Word 2010 on a Windows machine

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Save As.
  3. In the File Name box, enter a name for the file, if you haven't already.
  4. In the Save as type list, click PDF (*.pdf).
  5. Click Minimum size (publishing online).
  6. Click Save.

Create a PDF from any other program

DoPDF on a Windows machine

DoPDF is a free PDF converter that allows you to create a PDF from any application on your computer from which you can print. Once you install DoPDF, you simply print your document and select the DoPDF printer from your list of printers.

DoPDF can be downloaded from Please download and follow the install instructions.

Once DoPDF is installed, from any application on your computer you can create a PDF:

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Print.
  3. In the Printer Name box, select doPDF as the printer, click OK.
  4. In the File Name box, click Browse then enter a file name in the file and box and click Save.
  5. Select the Small file checkbox.
  6. Click OK, to save the file as a PDF.

Note that a PDF Viewer such as Adobe Reader is required to view a PDF. If you do not have Adobe Reader you may download it from

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