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Applicants will be required to provide the specified ID number upon request by the funding agencies.
If applying in the name of a business please type in the name as it appears on your business papers. If applying as an individual insert your name here.
To look up a zip code, click HERE
Please include details relevant to all programs on this application. Programs on this application are: {{program_list}}
A Full-time equivalent job equals any combination of two or more part-time jobs that, when combined together, constitute the equivalent of a job of at least 35 hours per week.
A Full-time equivalent job equals any combination of two or more part-time jobs that, when combined together, constitute the equivalent of a job of at least 35 hours per week. NOTE: Your base employment for Excelsior is calculated using the prior 4 quarters from when you are accepted into the program.
A Full-time Contract Employee a full-time private sector employee (or self-employed person) who is not on the Recipient’s payroll but who works exclusively for the Recipient at the project location for a minimum of 35 hours per week for not less than four consecutive weeks, providing services that would otherwise be provided by a Full-time Permanent Employee. The position held by a Full-time Contract Employee must be a year-round position.
NOTE: A full-time equivalent job equals any combination of two or more part-time jobs that, when combined together, constitute the equivalent of a job of at least 35 hours per week. Please note if any of these positions are contract employees and if so, how many of the total are contract employees.
"At Risk" shall mean a permanent Full-time employee position currently located in New York State that is found by ESD to be at risk of being lost or moved out of state based on compelling information provided by the applicant.
A Full-time Contract Employee is a full-time private sector employee (or self-employed person) who is not on the Recipient’s payroll but who works exclusively for the Recipient at the project location for a minimum of 35 hours per week for not less than four consecutive weeks, providing services that would otherwise be provided by a Full-time Permanent Employee. The position held by a Full-time Contract Employee must be a year-round position.
Enter zero if not applicable.
Please reference job definitions at the top of this page.
The base employment for Excelsior is calculated using the prior 4 quarters from when you are accepted into the program.
Financial statements should be audited or reviewed. If the statements are only compiled, they must be accompanied by copies of signed Federal tax returns (3 yrs). Financial statements should be provided by the parent company or any individual owning 50% or greater of the Applicant) unless the Applicant prepares separate audited or reviewed financial statements or files separate tax returns from the parent.
For information about this requirement, contact your local ESD Regional Office.
If you are applying to the ONRAMP program, contact
Financial statements should be audited or reviewed. If the statements are only compiled, they must be accompanied by copies of signed Federal tax returns (3 yrs). Financial statements should be provided by the parent company or any individual owning 50% or greater of the Applicant) unless the Applicant prepares separate audited or reviewed financial statements or files separate tax returns from the parent.
For information about this requirement, contact your local ESD Regional Office.
If you are applying to the ONRAMP program, contact
Financial statements should be audited or reviewed. If the statements are only compiled, they must be accompanied by copies of signed Federal tax returns (3 yrs). Financial statements should be provided by the parent company or any individual owning 50% or greater of the Applicant) unless the Applicant prepares separate audited or reviewed financial statements or files separate tax returns from the parent.
For information about this requirement, contact your local ESD Regional Office.
If you are applying to the ONRAMP program, contact
For information about this requirement, contact your local ESD Regional Office.
For privately owned companies, IDAs, not-for-profits, educational institutions, start-ups, municipalities, or any business or organization other than publicly traded companies, please provide an organizational chart and/or description of ownership structure, including the percentage of ownership for each individual/entity. If the company is a parent, subsidiary and/or affiliate of another company, please provide a description of the relationship. Additional financial information may be requested
Information and forms can be found at and . If you are a not-for-profit, please complete and attach the following form: v
Excelsior Jobs Program: Qualified investments are tangible personal property, including a building or structural component of a building, owned by the applicant that is depreciable per IRC Section 164, has a useful life of 4 years or more, is acquired by purchase as defined in IRC Section 179(d), is located in NYS, and is placed in service on or after the date certified eligible for the Excelsior Jobs Program.
* Eligible investment for ESD Grant Funds; generally not eligible investment for Excelsior Jobs Program.
If "yes", the project requires consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).
If "yes", the project requires consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).
Municipal Centers are areas of concentrated and mixed land use that serve as centers of various activities (civic, commercial, recreational, and residential, among others). Specific examples include Central Business Districts; Brownfield Opportunity Areas (BOAs); Downtowns in Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Areas; Transit-Oriented Development, Environmental Justice Areas and Hardship Areas; in many instances, an entire city, village or hamlet can be considered a municipal center. This definition can include development “adjacent to municipal centers” and a “future municipal center” – an area planned and zoned to be a municipal center.
For specific guidance on rail/port, aviation, and other transportation projects please refer to Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act