For the purpose of Restore NY eligible municipalities are villages, towns, cities, or counties. Other municipal entities are not eligible applicants. Application must be signed by a municipal official.
Only municipalities that submitted an Intent to Apply form for the current round and received an eligibility response can apply for Restore NY.
BUILDING CATEGORY shall mean the following:
Applicants will be required to provide the specified ID number upon request by the funding agencies.
Please include details relevant to all programs on this application. Programs on this application are: {{program_list}}
Provide a brief summary of the need for the project in the geographic area proposed, the project's financing needs, including funding gaps and, where applicable, describe the additional short and long term jobs that will be created through the development of the proposed project.
Describe how the proposed project advances the REDC/URI plan for the region, specifically linking the project to the region’s goals, strategies, and targeted industry clusters. A response to this question should directly and specifically link the project to a section or sections of REDC/URI plan for the region.
If applying in the name of a business please type in the name as it appears on your business papers. If applying as an individual insert your name here.
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Upload as one single attachment. The pro forma will pertain to commericial/residential financial statements and estimates of redeveloped properties. A project that is a demolition only would not have 5 years pro forma. Having this pro forma will help in the scoring phase of the application.
(1) photocopies of all three of the advertisements showing the dates and publication and/or
(2) a signed receipt from the newspaper.
Only Cities, Towns and Villages are eligible to apply for Restore NY funding.
Provide a name for your project/application. For example, Town of XX- Restore NY Round 4 or Center Street Revival of XX City.
Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) shall mean an area of the municipality that has been approved for funding under the Brownfield Opportunity Area Program for the purpose of establishing a community based revitalization plan and implementation strategy to achieve brownfield redevelopment in a proactive and systematic way.
The list of Economically Distressed Communities is on the website at:
(1) induce commercial investment; and/or
(2) improve local housing stock.
Analysis are not required to be completed at time of application although completed analysis will help the application score under the "Project Readiness and Feasibility" scoring section.
For more information on the State Historic Preservation Office please visit: