For Immediate Release: 02/13/2025

Rory M. Christian, Chair 



James Denn | | (518) 474-7080   



February 13, 2025

PSC Greenlights Offshore Wind Transmission Line Work

17.5-Mile Power Line Will Connect Empire Wind 1 Offshore Wind Project to Brooklyn Substation


ALBANY — The New York State Public Service Commission (Commission) today granted final approval regarding Empire Offshore Wind LLC’s petition to construct and operate the New York offshore and onshore transmission facilities for the Empire Wind 1 Offshore Wind Project.
“The development of offshore wind projects is an important part of the development of a clean energy economy for New York State,” said Commission Chair Rory M. Christian. “Approval of the Environmental Management and Construction Plan (EM&CP) to commence construction of this phase of the Empire Offshore Wind 1 Interconnection Cable Project is an important step. The Commission is proud to support the growth of New York’s renewable electricity marketplace.”
The phase approved today involves construction activities within Con Edison's Gowanus substation property, including excavation and installation of duct banks, cable pulling, site restoration, and associated decommissioning. Based upon Commission staff's review, the EM&CP provisions are designed to ensure safe and environmentally compatible construction.
The overall transmission line for the project runs approximately 17.5 miles from the boundary of New York State waters to a point of interconnection in Brooklyn, Kings County. Empire Offshore Wind 1 is an 816-megawatt wind project being developed by Equinor Wind US LLC. The project will produce enough clean, renewable energy for more than 388,000 homes. The offshore wind farm is expected to be constructed by the end of 2026, and fully operational by the end of 2027.

The transmission project includes two 230-kilovolt (kV) high-voltage alternating current (HVAC) submarine export cables within an approximately 15.1 nautical mile-long submarine export cable corridor, extending from the boundary of New York State waters (3 nautical miles from shore) to the cable landfall in Brooklyn; and a 0.2-mile onshore cable route and substation including two three-core 230-kV HVAC onshore export cables buried underground from the cable landfall either directly to the cable terminations or to transition vaults within the proposed onshore substation.
In addition, there will be an onshore substation located at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal that will increase the voltage to 345 kV for the onshore interconnection cables, and two 345-kV cable circuits, each with three single-core HVAC onshore interconnection cables, that will be buried underground from the onshore substation to the point of interconnection at the Gowanus 345-kV substation owned by the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
New York State's Climate Agenda
New York State's climate agenda calls for an affordable and just transition to a clean energy economy that creates family-sustaining jobs, promotes economic growth through green investments, and directs a minimum of 35 percent of the benefits to disadvantaged communities. New York is advancing a suite of efforts to achieve an emissions-free economy by 2050, including in the energy, buildings, transportation, and waste sectors.
Today’s decision may be obtained by going to the Commission Documents section of the Commission’s Web site at and entering Case Number 21-T-0366 in the input box labeled "Search for Case/Matter Number". Many libraries offer free Internet access. Commission documents may also be obtained from the Commission’s Files Office, 14th floor, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223 (518-474-2500). If you have difficulty understanding English, please call us at 1-800-342-3377 for free language assistance services regarding this press release.


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