For Immediate Release: 01/23/2025

Rory M. Christian, Chair 



James Denn | | (518) 474-7080   



January 23, 2025

PSC Continues Groundbreaking Process to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Natural Gas Delivery Systems

Commission Directs Two of New York’s Largest Utilities to Reduce Gas Emissions   

ALBANY — The New York State Public Service Commission (Commission) today directed two of the largest electric and gas corporations — New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RG&E) — to implement various actions in the next three-years within the context of the companies' final long-term natural gas plan. Among other action items, the Commission directed the companies to propose pilot demand response programs, file a report on methods used to verify the maximum allowable operating pressure of impacted segments of pipe, and provide information to stakeholders and identify means of potentially decommissioning segments of infrastructure.
“These gas planning procedures will ensure gas utilities continue to provide safe, adequate, and reliable service while striving to meet the State’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets,” said Commission Chair Rory M. Christian. “Modernizing gas system planning is important so that local gas distribution companies’ long-term plans are subjected to transparent review and ensure that they conform to State policies while ensuring that the gas utilities can continue to provide safe and adequate service.”
Gas utilities in New York State are required to make filings with proposed long-term plans every three years. The filings must include at least one scenario with no new traditional gas infrastructure and quantify the impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Each filing will begin a stakeholder engagement process, aimed at developing a consensus long-term plan. Utilities are also required to provide annual updates to their long-term plans.
In this proceeding, the Commission engaged a consultant, Charles River Associates (CRA), to assist in staff's review. The companies modeled 10 scenarios, their reference case, and their long-term plan for each Company. CRA filed a series of three reports evaluating the long-term plan filings and stakeholder proposals. The Commission considered the reports of CRA as well as the input of numerous stakeholders, including AGREE, NYSERDA, Fossil Free Tompkins, Earth Justice, Sierra Club, NRDC, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
The Commission directed the companies to provide additional information and reports, and propose pilot programs, to take steps toward decarbonizing the gas system in their service territories. To improve the process for the companies' next long-term plan filing, the Commission directed the companies to address staff and stakeholder recommendations in the next long-term plan filing in three years. The Commission also directed the companies to submit various reports and proposals over the next three years and to file their next long-term plan approximately three years after issuance of the order.
NYSEG, a subsidiary of Avangrid, serves approximately 905,000 electricity customers and 271,000 natural gas customers across more than 40 percent of upstate New York. RG&E, also a subsidiary of Avangrid, serves approximately 388,000 electricity customers and 321,000 natural gas customers in a nine-county region centered on the City of Rochester.

Today’s decision may be obtained by going to the Commission documents section of the Commission’s Web site at and entering case number 23-G-0437 in the input box labeled "Search for Case/Matter Number". Many libraries offer free Internet access. Commission documents may also be obtained from the Commission’s Files Office, 14th floor, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223 (518-474-2500). If you have difficulty understanding English, please call us at 1-800-342-3377 for free language assistance services regarding this press release.


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