For Immediate Release: 01/29/2025

Rory M. Christian, Chair 



James Denn | | (518) 474-7080   



January 29, 2025

Virtual Public Statement Hearing Set Regarding St. Lawrence County Transmission Line

ALBANY — The New York State Public Service Commission (Commission) will hold a virtual public statement hearing on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, regarding Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid’s (National Grid) application pursuant to Public Service Law (PSL) Article VII for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need.

On June 24, 2024, National Grid filed an application pursuant to PSL Article VII for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need seeking authorization to rebuild its existing 115 kilovolt transmission line from the Colton Substation in the Town of Pierrepont to the Nicholville Substation in the Town of Lawrence. The project totals approximately 18.3 miles and is located in the towns of Pierrepont, Parishville, Hopkinton, and Lawrence in St. Lawrence County.
Under New York State Law, the Commission may adopt or reject National Grid’s proposal, in whole or in part, or modify it. In doing so, the Commission will consider input from participating parties and the public.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a virtual public statement hearing will be held before Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) Tara A. Kersey and Anthony Belsito on:


DATE: Wednesday, February 5, 2025

TIME:  6:00 p.m.


Electronic Access:

Event Number:  2818 725 1367

Password:  Feb 5- 6pm


Phone Access:  1-929-251-9612

Access Code:  2818 725 1367

Phone-in Password:  33250676

Those wishing to comment on any aspect of this proceeding will have the opportunity to make a statement on the record at the virtual public statement hearing.

To participate electronically:
This option is for participants who would like to make a statement and who will log in to the hearing electronically. Such participants may log in on the date and at the time indicated above by visiting, entering the event number and password listed above, clicking “Join Meeting,” and providing all requested information.
When logging in to the hearing, participants will be asked to “select audio system.” It is recommended that participants opt to have the system “call me” or “call using computer.” The “call me” option will require that participants enter their phone numbers.
To participate by phone:
This option is for participants who would like to make a statement and who will participate by telephone only. On the date and at the time of the hearing, call-in participants should dial 1-929-251-9612 and enter the access code and phone-in password listed above.
To listen to the hearing without making a statement:
To exercise this option, (1) access the hearing electronically by logging in to, enter the event number and password listed above, and click “Join Meeting” or (2) call +1-929-251-9612 and enter the access code and phone-in password, listed above.
All participants will be muted upon entry into the virtual public statement hearing. The ALJs will call upon each person who asks to make a statement. The ALJs will continue the hearing until everyone wishing to speak has been heard or other reasonable arrangements to submit comments into the record have been made. Reasonable time limits may be set for each speaker, as necessary, to afford all attendees an opportunity to be heard. It is recommended that lengthy comments be submitted in writing and summarized for oral presentation. A verbatim transcript of the hearing will be made for inclusion in the record of this proceeding.
Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations should call the Department of Public Service’s Human Resources Management Office at 518-474-2520 as soon as possible. TDD users may request a sign language interpreter by placing a call through the New York Relay Service at 711. Individuals with difficulty understanding or reading English are encouraged to call the Department at 1-800-342-3377 for free language assistance services.
Other Ways to Comment
For those who cannot attend or prefer not to comment at the public statement hearing, there are several other ways to provide your comments. All comments should refer to “Case 24-T-0373” and must be received by March 31, 2025.
Internet or Mail: Go to, click on “File Search” (located under the heading “Commission Files”), enter “24-T-0373” in the “Search by Case Number” box, and then click on “Post Comments” located at the top right of the page.
Alternatively, comments may be mailed to the Hon. Michelle L. Phillips, Secretary, Public Service Commission, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, 12223-1350. All written comments will become part of the record considered by the Commission and may be accessed on the Department of Public Service website by searching the case number, as described above, and clicking on the “Public Comments” tab.
Toll-Free Opinion Line: Individuals may submit comments by calling the Commission’s Opinion Line at 1-800-335-2120. This number is set up to receive comments about pending cases from in-State callers 24-hours a day. These comments are not transcribed verbatim, but a summary is provided to the Commission.


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