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For Immediate Release: 11/27/2024

Thomas Congdon, Chair



James Denn | James.Denn@dps.ny.gov | (518) 474-7080




November 27, 2024

Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board Holds in Person and Virtual Public Meeting

ALBANY — The Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board (DOB) will hold an in-person/virtual meeting on Thursday, December 5, 2024.

On December 31, 2020, the New York State Department of Public Service was directed to establish the DOB. The DOB is charged with providing a forum for information sharing between involved agencies, identifying issues for relevant oversight agencies to address, and helping to inform the public about decommissioning and spent fuel management. The DOB periodically convenes meetings. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting in person or virtually. Topics to be discussed at the December 2024 meeting will include presentations and updates regarding the decommissioning of Indian Point.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the next meeting of the DOB will be held as follows:


DATE:  Thursday, December 5, 2024

TIME:   6:00 PM


Cortlandt Town Hall

1 Heady Street

Cortlandt, NY  10567


Electronic Access:
 Click Here or go to zoom.us/join

Webinar ID:  891 7937 7379

Passcode:  962797




Any person wishing to deliver a statement during the meeting must pre-register by 12:00 p.m. on December 3, 2024. Any person who plans to attend the meeting but does not wish to deliver a statement is kindly asked, but not required, to pre-register to inform meeting hosts of seating capacity needs.


Doors will open 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.  Seating is first-come, first-served.  An agenda will be made available in advance of the meeting.  The agenda, when available, and all documents filed in this matter, may be obtained by going to the Department’s website at www.dps.ny.gov, clicking on “File Search” (located under the “Commission Filings” heading), and entering “21-01188” in the “Search by Case Number” field.  


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that statements are invited concerning the scope and goals of the DOB during the public statement period.  Statements may be provided by participants, in person or virtually, during the 30-minute public statement portion of the meeting.  Participants are those persons who wish to make a statement, either in person or virtually, during the public statement period of the meeting.


To pre-register electronically: Visit https://forms.office.com/g/Qjt4WWgLss by the date and time indicated above and provide all requested information.  The registration form is also viewable at www.dps.ny.gov/indianpoint


To pre-register by phone: Any person who is not able to log in to the meeting electronically or attend in person may listen by phone.  Call-in participants must pre-register by calling 1-800-342-3330 by the date and time indicated above, where they should follow the prompts and provide the following information: first name and last name, address, and the phone number the person will use to join the meeting.  On the date and time of the meeting, all call-in users should dial 1-929-205-6099 and enter the access code listed above.  A verbatim transcript of the meeting will be made for inclusion in the record of this matter.   


Individuals with difficulty understanding or reading English are encouraged to call the Department at 1-800-342-3377 for free language assistance services regarding this Notice.  Persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations should call the Department of Public Service's Human Resources Management office at 518-474-2520.  TTD users may request a sign language interpreter by placing a call through the New York Relay Service at 711.


Other Ways to Comment

For those who cannot attend the meeting, prefer not to make a statement during the meeting, or are unable to make a statement during the meeting due to time constraints, there are several other ways to comment.  Comments should refer to “Matter 21-01188 - Indian Point Task Force and Oversight Board.” Comments are requested by December 12, 2024, but will be accepted throughout the pendency of this matter.


Internet or Mail: Please go to www.dps.ny.gov, click on “File Search” (located under the “Commission Files” heading), enter “21-01188” in the “Search by Case Number” field, and then click on the “Post Comments” box located at the top of the page.  Those unable to file electronically may mail their comments to the Hon. Michelle L. Phillips, Secretary, New York State Public Service Commission, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, 12223-1350.


All written comments will become part of the record and may be accessed on the Department’s website by searching the matter number, as described above, and clicking on the “Public Comments” tab.


Toll-Free Opinion Line: Individuals may choose to submit comments by calling the Department’s Opinion Line at 1-800-335-2120. This number is set up to receive in-state calls 24-hours a day.  These calls are not transcribed verbatim, but a summary is provided to the Department staff.


Please direct any questions to Tom Kaczmarek at (518) 474-7080 or Thomas.Kaczmarek@dps.ny.gov.


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